Zine: Solace In The Chaparral


In 2018, two hours after every meal, my stomach felt like it was being stabbed by a thousand knives. The pain was incredibly intense and I spent months anxiously in my head waiting to be seen by doctors and receive test results. It was a scary time. Two years later I found a coyote laying at the base of my patio struggling to breathe. I feared it to be dying. The intersection of these two events becomes the short story, “Solace in the Chaparral,” where Simone deals within the space of waiting and contemplates what it means to feel safe.

"CHAPARRAL is my favorite of this bunch: a lyrical, minimalist meditation on what it means to find a home, and to inhabit it without fear. The pages of these zines are made by a clever folding of a single 13" × 9" piece of paper, and each contains a secret: unfolded, the reverse sides of the pages come together to reveal a full-sized poster of an image that completes the experience of each zine."
- Clint Johns, Xerography #55

An eight page zine (6 internal pages + 2 cover pages) that folds out into a 13x19" poster of a woodpecker.

If ordered stand-alone, mailed in 5x7" envelope via USPS.